WARNING! Misleading offers to purchase domain name and/or trademarks for these domain names!


By the communication from the National Chamber of Industrial Property Attorneys in Romania (CNCPIR) dated 11.02.2021, OSIM is informed that the company “DNS Romania”, having the domain name dnsromania.com and a person named Grigore Hofer (with the e-mail address grigore@dnsromania.com) carry out illicit and misleading activities related to the acquisition of domain names or trademarks corresponding to the internet domains offered (in both cases they belonging to the very persons who were contacted with the mentioned offers).
According to CNCPIR, DNS Romania is not a member of the National Chamber of Industrial Property Attorneys, it is not registered in the Trade Register and does not have a real address, and the internet domain and the person Grigore Hofer are fictional characters.
Regarding these aspects, OSIM makes the following recommendations:

We recommend applicants/rights owners in such situations to pay attention to any offers of purchase of domain names and/or trademarks related to these domain names and to make sure that the offerer - the owner of the offered industrial property right(s) (trademark(s)) are legit, by consulting the public database, made available by OSIM to all interested persons.

  • Avoid misleading payment requests, do not pay/ waive the rights to which you are entitled by law until you have verified that the source is official.

  • We recommend applicants/rights owners in such situations to pay attention to any offers of purchase of domain names and/or trademarks related to these domain names and to make sure that the offerer - the owner of the offered industrial property right(s) (trademark(s)) are legit, by consulting the public database, made available by OSIM to all interested persons.

  • For any further information regarding trademarks, designs and patents, you may contact the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks by phone: 021.306.08.00, or by e-mail at: office@osim.ro.

WARNING! Misleading invoices


Taking note of the fact that the owners of industrial property rights have received a series of payment notices emitted by various companies in order to pay fees for promoting their rights, the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) is empowered to make the following clarifications:

Avoid misleading payment requests!

Do not pay until until you have verified that the source is official!

  • The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks is not involved in any way in the issuance of such payment notices and it is not responsible for the activities of these companies.

  • The amounts of the fees charged by OSIM for legal proceedings are those provided in G.O. no. 41/1998, as republished in Official Gazette 959/29.10.2006 with the subsequent amendments, and published on the OSIM website: https://www.osim.ro.

  • The notifications issued by OSIM regarding the payment of fees for various legal procedures always bear the OSIM header, the legal ground for the payment and the related accounts, which are the same as those published on the OSIM website: https://www.osim.ro.

In this context, we recommend applicants/owners in such situations to carefully analyze such notifications and to make sure the issuer is real.
For further information, please contact the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks by phone, 021.306.08.00 and

ATENȚIE ! Certificate de marcă „neconforme”


Luând act de faptul că, deţinătorii de drepturi de proprietate industrială, persoane fizice sau juridice, au primit o serie de înştiinţări / somaţii, prin care se solicită stoparea folosirii semnului utilizat în activitatea comercială / retragerea mărcii din materialele publicitare sau online şi / sau achitarea unor sume de bani cu titlu de prejudiciu, în baza unor certificate ce nu sunt autentice, Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mărci (OSIM) este împuternicit să facă următoarele precizări:

de plăți frauduloase

NU plătiţi / renunţaţi la drepturile conferite de marcă, înainte să verificaţi dacă sursa este oficială.

  • Evitaţi solicitările de plăţi frauduloase, nu plătiţi / renunţaţi la drepturile conferite de marcă, înainte să verificaţi dacă sursa este oficială.

  • În acest context recomandam solicitanţilor / titularilor aflaţi în situaţii asemănătoare să manifeste atenţie la astfel de înştiinţări şi să se asigure asupra emitentului, ca fiind titularul dreptului/ drepturilor de proprietate industriale pretense, prin accesarea bazei de date publice, pusă la dispoziţie persoanelor interesate de OSIM.

  • În ceea ce priveşte alte informaţii, puteţi contacta Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mărci, la numerele de telefon: 021.306.08.00 şi sau prin email, la adresa: office@osim.ro.